Admin Management Tips For Yoga Businesses

Admin Management Tips For Yoga Businesses

While going into business as a yoga teacher is a fantastic choice for both your life and career, such a venture is not without its drawbacks. While you will indeed spend much of your day in a studio, guiding your clients and helping people to improve their lives, you will need to spend a considerable amount of time managing the administrative tasks of your business, too.

It’s fair to say that administration is not a popular task and is something that many business owners find stressful and overwhelming to manage. Thankfully, there are a few ways you can improve your overall admin management, all of which can help minimize the disruption of paperwork and leave you free to focus on the aspects of your business that mean the most to you. Here are a few admin management suggestions you may want to consider implementing. (more…)

Mindset, Business, Money & Studio Ownership with Nick Combs

Mindset, Business, Money & Studio Ownership with Nick Combs

Download the Episode or Subscribe on iTunes!

This week I am joined by Nick Combs who is a yoga teacher, a yoga studio owner and the founder of M3 Yoga. Nick was formally a full-time nurse and discovered yoga after dealing with a back injury. Yoga helped heal him and he decided that he wanted to share his love of yoga with others. Nick started by teaching donation based yoga, and then slowly went through the process of recognizing his worth as a yoga teacher and decided to open his own studio, M3 Yoga. Now, M3 Yoga has a second location in Athens, GA and is running successful workshops and trainings.

On this episode, we talk about how Nick went from being a full-time nurse to a full-time yoga teacher and studio owner, the mindset shifts he had to go through to become a successful yoga teacher and studio owner, the business side of running a successful yoga studio, and much more.

Enjoy! (more…)

Destinee Berman on The Spiritual Side of Running a Business

Destinee Berman on The Spiritual Side of Running a Business

Download the Episode or Subscribe on iTunes!

This week on the podcast I’m joined by Destinee Berman. Destinee has been called the secret visionary behind today’s most recently recognized online schools in the intuitive arts and spiritual healing spaces. She spent 15 years in Silicon Valley managing clients like Twitter, HP and Microsoft before she headed into her own spiritual path in 2014. Now she’s the launch manager behind Ashley Turner and Sianna Sherman’s wildly success Urban Priestess Mystery School as well as Debra Silverman’s Applied Astrology Online School.

On this episode of the podcast we talk about the spiritual side of running a business, shifting your perspective around making money, how to grow your following online through marketing and how she incorporates systems like astrology in her business, plus more.

Enjoy! (more…)

Building Great Relationships Between Yoga Teachers & Studio Owners

Building Great Relationships Between Yoga Teachers & Studio Owners

Listen on iTunes or Download Here.

A couple weeks ago, I had someone email in asking about how to build great relationships with studio owners, and how to leave situations that are negative or are not serving us anymore. This person continued to tell me that they are at a studio where they don’t feel that they are being treated kindly, and personally, I am tired of hearing this. It is not okay for yoga teachers to just sit back and allow ourselves to be treated badly!

On this episode of the podcast, I talk about:

  • What to look for in a studio
  • How to build great relationships with studio owners
  • Why we need to respect ourselves as yoga teachers
  • How to find a great mentor
  • The importance of finding a space to teach that is a good fit for us and the studio owner
  • How to leave situations that are difficult
  • How to deal with negative feedback
  • The importance of being a great yoga teacher and respecting the studio owner
  • And much more… Here’s the episode! 

This episode of the podcast is brought to you by Yogabossbabe! Yogabossbabe is a monthly lifestyle subscription box for passionate and motivated yoga instructors who want to build and grow their yoga business. Every month you get a box of goodies delivered to your doorstep filled with things that will help you build and grow your yoga business.

Each month you also have access to an online workshop, group coaching and the private Facebook community. If you’re looking to take your business to the next level, this box is for you!
To learn more, please visit and use code MBOM to get a discount off your first box!

This episode of the podcast is also brought to you by FavYogis! Here’s a business tool that’s really going to change the lives of yoga teachers. The FavYogis app puts control and freedom in your hands. You can update your class schedule, offer YOUR OWN classes ANYWHERE, ANYTIME; and GET PAID all from your phone! No more updating your schedule in multiple places and paying a ton of money each month for a software platform where students MIGHT stumble across your classes. Students simply open FavYogis and your schedule will be there.
On top of being able to send students notifications about class updates, set prices and ticket availability, and auto-send reminders to your students, you can also post workshops and events that will allow you to reach organic traffic through the search feature that you may never have been able to reach through simply putting the events on your website. There’s a brand spanking new feature on the Fav Yogis App!!! Teaching a lot of classes? Now you can auto-generate text for sharing your schedule on social media. Along with the time and date you can optionally include the title and location of each class or event!
Head on over to the app store and download FavYogis for free! Use code MBOM and let them know that I sent you or sign up here!
Sytera Field on How to be a Successful Studio Owner

Sytera Field on How to be a Successful Studio Owner

Listen on iTunes or Download Here.

This week on the podcast I am joined by Sytera Field from Episode 34! When Sytera and I first chatted back in the fall of 2016 she was teaching private yoga full-time and was not interested in studio ownership. Since then, she shifted into the role of studio owner, and opened up SyteraYoga at the beginning of January 2018.

On this episode, we talk about what shifted for Sytera over the last 1.5 years, what it took to open a successful studio, including hiring teachers, creating an inclusive community, a schedule that works, and more. Sytera shares what she’s learned as a studio owner, the challenges of running a yoga studio, and how she finds the balance of being both a teacher, leader, and business owner.

