Branding 101: 3 Ways To Create Great Product Packaging

Branding 101: 3 Ways To Create Great Product Packaging

When you’re designing a product your priorities are going to be creating something useful and easy to use. Once you’ve managed that, it’s time to start trying to sell it. If you’ve created a great product then half the job is done because it will sell on its own merit. But a lot of the time, the initial interest is going to be sparked by the product packaging. It’s the thing that first draws them to the product and makes them grab it off the shelf. It’s also a representation of your brand and if you want to find the repeat customers that you need to sustain your business, creating a strong brand is important. If you haven’t put that much thought into your packaging before, follow these simple rules to get it right. (more…)

Remaining Mindful In Business

Remaining Mindful In Business

Running a business whether it be small or large is no easy task. Regardless of whether you’re a new business owner or you’ve been at it for some time, it can be too easy to lose sight of what you’re doing, or why you’re doing it. While the running of your business is important, there’s no point if you’re not at your very best. Looking after yourself so that you can make the right decisions for your business is imperative, otherwise you could be heading down a long path that won’t bring great results for your business. Here are some tips from many business owners that will allow you to remain mindful in your business. (more…)

Keeping A Consistent Brand

Keeping A Consistent Brand

Nowadays, from the point of view of a customer, there isn’t much of a difference between big and small in business. People will expect companies to act professionally, provide great service, and take pride in their brand, regardless of the resources they have to help them do it. For a small company like yours, this opens the doors to a lot of work. To help you out with it, this post will be exploring some of the key aspects you will need to consider when trying to keep your brand consistent, as this is the most important part of the whole challenge. (more…)

How to Succeed As A Niche Business

How to Succeed As A Niche Business

Being a niche company isn’t simple. You’re trying to attract people to a market that isn’t necessarily as popular as other areas could be. What you’re left with is a hard time actually rising to success. But that shouldn’t put people off starting a niche business. Niche is unique, and being unique is what attracts your unique customers. Being able to stand out from the crowd and appeal to a smaller demographic is something better than being swamped in a world where everything seems to be the same, and no one will notice you. So, if you’re starting up a niche business, here’s how you can rise to success. (more…)