Secrets of Successful Yoga Entrepreneurs

A lot of people train as yoga teachers thinking that, as long as they have skills on the mat, they will easily be able to build a strong yoga business. Many of them end up disappointed.

Although being good at yoga is a major requirement of being a successful yoga entrepreneur, there is much more too it, and anyone who wants to build a yoga business needs to have good business skills too.

With that in mind, here are some secrets of successful yoga entrepreneurs:

They Know How to Build a Community

In the age of social media, anyone who wants to build a successful business of any kind must be capable of engaging their community online, but also offline too. You need to know how to find your tribe, bring them together and keep them interested in what you are doing, if you can’t do this, they will have no loyalty to your yoga business over the many other options that are available to them.

They Have a Vision

All of the most successful yoga businesses are run by individuals who have a strong vision of what they are trying to achieve. Some are passionate about running retreats in far-flung climes, some want to bring yoga to people who wouldn’t usually consider it, some want to teach disadvantaged groups, and others want to push their clients to do more and be more – it doesn’t matter what they want to do, it matters that they have a vision to go after and make a reality.

They Have the Business Stuff Down

Successful yoga entrepreneurs spend as much time learning the business as they do on the mat. They have business plans and they know how to do the books. They take the time to create a great website and pay for superior IT Support. They know that running a business means doing lots of things that might not be their primary passion, and which might be downright boring at times, but that it is worth it to spend a lot of the time doing what they love and making a good living from it.

They Create Premium “Products”

It’s really hard to make a living just with public yoga classes, which is why the most successful yoga businesses are the ones that offer premium “products” such as one-to-one private yoga classes or extended retreats. Some may also write and sell books or make videos to earn money. The more income streams your yoga business has, the better.

They Network

Networking is the lifeblood of any business. It is the best way to meet new people and bring in new clients, which is why successful yogis spend time attending yoga festivals and conventions, offering free classes at community events and just generally putting themselves out there.

Building a successful yoga business isn’t always easy, but if you put these secrets of success into practice, you stand a much better chance than most.

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Weekly interviews for yoga teachers packed with information to help you create, grow or expand your yoga business! Whether you are brand new to business or looking to take your business to the next level, there’s something for you.

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