Creating a Thriving Online Yoga Business with Jenny Shih

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This week on the podcast I am joined by Jenny Shih. Jenny is a business coach who has taught more than 25,000 women how to earn a full-time income working 30 hours per week or less as online, service-based entrepreneurs. For most of her time in business, Jenny was debilitatingly sick and at some points was only able to work a few hours each week. As the household breadwinner, Jenny found strategic ways to ensure her business remained highly profitable while also giving her the much-needed time to heal.

Drawing on both her decade of experience in high tech and her training with Martha Beck and spiritual teacher Byron Katie, Jenny guides her clients through a no-fluff, step-by-step approach to creating thriving businesses they love without having to work long hours or make huge sacrifices.

On this episode, Jenny shares her journey from full-time employee to working 30-hours a week online and making 6-figures. We talk about everything from how to identify opportunities and create your first project to how to manage your time when there is a lot on your plate.

Business Lessons From This Episode:

  • The first step of taking a business online is to ask yourself how you are going to monetize it. Ask yourself value can create for others and from there start to build out a bite-sized offer. Ask yourself what small result can you offer to the people you are most excited to work with. For example, if you are a nutritionist, you’re not going to offer a course to lose 80 pounds, instead create something that helps them identify their negative eating cues. $99 is a great price for your first bite-sized offer, and if you get to the point of serving 3-10 customers, you will learn about more ways that you can serve and create value for your clients.
  • Take the approach of serving and learning. Start with your bite-size offer, serve 3-10 customers, learn how to create more value, improve the offering, increase the price, serve 3-10 more customers and repeat the process. Part of this process of serving and learning may help you learn that you want to go a different direction, serve various clients, or focusing on different work.
  • When you’re first starting to work on the online side of your business, it is easy to spend a lot of time on activities that aren’t valuable. Whether it is email, social media, or anything else, you should be intentional about what you’re doing and how it will help you.
  • Everything you do when it comes to growing your business is an opportunity to learn. If a project fails or doesn’t succeed as much as you want it to, it will help you in the long term from what you learn along the way.
  • Jenny’s recommendations:
    • Understanding and working on your mindset is crucial as an entrepreneur. There are lots of great resources out there, so find one consistent practice that works for you.
    • Kendrick Shope’s Authentic Sales Training
  • Visit for Jenny’s resources on creating a bite-size offering.
  • And much more… Here’s the episode!

Connect with Jenny:

Want to join me on a tropical adventure in Costa Rica this fall? Meghan Pherrill and I are co-leading a retreat for yoga teachers at the beautiful Bodhi Tree Yoga Resort November 2-9, 2019 and we’d love for you to join us.

Learn more here!

This episode is brought to you by BeYogi. BeYogi is an online resource dedicated to providing yoga teachers and students with the inspiration and information and insurance they will need during every step of their yoga journey. BeYogi has drawn from their knowledge of the yoga world to not only create incredible content, but to also provide yoga and wellness professionals with the insurance coverage they will need to expand their careers. And, I don’t know about you but I know that I run into a lot of places that won’t let me teach or offer anything if I don’t have insurance, so this is definitely something that if you don’t have you’ll want. And they have incredible things like online teaching coverage so no matter what style you’re teaching or wherever you are in the world, give yourself a little peace of mind knowing that you are covered should something happen. Head on over to to learn more or to get coverage today.

I am super excited to announce a new partnership with Schedulicity! Schedulicity is an online booking software that allows you to do everything from booking clients, to taking payments, to communicating with your clients. I personally love Schedulicity because I can do all of my bookings through one easy platform. This week’s Schedulicity hot tip of the week is with Shayna!

If you’ve been wondering how an online schedule can help you with your business, email Schedulicity at or visit for a chat with one of their support rockstars!

Has your yoga studio’s growth become stagnant? If you’re like many studio owners I talk to, you’ve tried every marketing tactic under the sun. You started a blog, you’re posting regularly on all the social media sites, running challenges, sending out newsletters blah blah blah. Long story short, you’re doing a TON of work… and barely paying the bills.

What if there was an easier way? A way to get new students regularly coming through your door without having do work so darn hard to get them there? A Proven system that will consistently bring in 20+ new paying students to your studio each and every month? Well there is…. Ron Medlin and his team at have developed a 3-step system that will help you quickly grow your yoga studio to 6-figure profits and beyond without being shackled to your business.


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About the Podcast

Weekly interviews for yoga teachers packed with information to help you create, grow or expand your yoga business! Whether you are brand new to business or looking to take your business to the next level, there’s something for you.

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