Effective Ways to Generate More Leads Online

It doesn’t matter how revolutionary your business is, nor does it matter how affordable it is or how amazing the customer service you offer is if you can’t get anyone to notice at it. The biggest problem facing businesses right now, including businesses in the yoga industry, is generating interest.

One of the best ways to generate interest is via the internet because most people will Google the thing they’re looking for in order to buy it. That means, if you want to get your business out there, you need to get good at generating more traffic online. Here are a few effective ways you can do that:

Talk to Your Target Audience

In the social media age, it has never been easier to reach out and talk to the people you think might be interested in using your business. So, sign up for local Yoga groups and forums and start making friends. Some of them might just turn into customers.

A note about doing this: if you want it to succeed, your efforts should be genuine. You should join as much for the conversation as the promotion, and you should avoid simply spamming links to your website.If you do that, you won’t generate any new leads, but you will generate a whole lot of hostility.

Create Your Own White Paper

A white paper is basically an in-depth article or report into a specific thing. They can be very effective at drawing more people to your business website because they tend to (or at least they should) contain the kind of information people are looking for. You can find out more about using white papers to generate leads by reading White Paper Marketing: How To Create Quality Leads Online Consistently. However, all you really need to do to get started is to write a report on a burning issue in Yoga or a guide to mastering a certain pose and put it out there that it can be downloaded from your website. Your traffic will soon increase.

Try Guest Blogging

If you want to get more eyes on your website, one simple, but very effective thing you can do is write guest posts for other influential bloggers in your niche, include a bio or link to your website, and you should generate lots of traffic.

Create Great Content

Of course, the bulk of your time spent writing should be on creating great content for yourself. If you write informative, engaging posts about the topic, and you include some relevant keywords, Google will find you and ranking highly there will generate more traffic than you could imagine.

Leverage Your Network

You have friends right? So, why not use them to generate traffic for you. Let them know what you’re doing and what you’re trying to build, and if they have friends or acquaintances they think could use your services, they’ll tell them, and since people tend to trust word of mouth recommendations from friends and acquaintances highly, that could mean a whole lot more clients for you.

Implement these simple ideas, and you’ll be a lean, mean lead generating machine in no time!

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1 Comment

  1. Bart

    Great insights, thank you Amanda!

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