7 Essential Elements Of Every Yoga Website

When you run a yoga business, or you’re looking to start one, you’ll probably consider yourself a bit of an expert on all things yoga related. From the technique to the lifestyle – maybe even on the history and culture. But you may not be an expert when it comes to business – or even websites for that matter. All you know is, you love yoga, you’re a great teacher, and starting a yoga business is what you want to do. Well, luckily for you, the rest can be learned along the way.

In business, having passion is essential, but having a vision of what you want to do and achieve is the golden rule. If you want to do well, you can learn what you need to be successful. So if you’ve never launched a website before in the past, and you have no idea what your site should look like, you will be the end of this post. As with any business, there will also be those essential elements that you need to put in place. But when it comes to running a yoga class, studio, retreat, or even lifestyle brand, you need to make sure that you’re able to pull everything together.

So let’s take a look at the essential elements your yoga website needs to be complete.

A Strong Name

First of all, you need to really think about the name of your business. A lot of the time, you’re going to have your business name set and even up and running before you start your website. And that’s okay, because you don’t always have to call your website the same as your studio or business (although it usually makes sense to do so). But, you will need to make sure that the name and domain name you chose is something that you love and that you’re going to want to stick with over the long-term. This could be something yoga related, but it should also be personal to what you do, where you’re based, or your brand ethos.

Appropriate Branding

Next, you’re going to want to ensure that your website is fully branded. This means that you’re going to want to take the brand you have for your business, and apply it to the site. From the colors you use to the font and even the tone of voice, it all has to be on brand. If you’re yet to create a brand, then you need to make sure that it suits your business direction and what you want to achieve.

Strategic Design

From here, you then need to make sure that the design of the website is right. For this, we’re not just talking about how it looks, but the actual functionality of the site. If you’re not sure what you need, you may even benefit from working with a specialist user-centered design expert, such as PRWD, to do that. Because when you have a customer-focused website, you’re more likely to get the results you want for your business.

Compelling Copy

Another key element is always going to be the copy. Because not only does this inform your viewers and customers, but it aids in your SEO. As well as reading up on the best SEO practices, or working with a specialist company, you may benefit from focusing on persuasive web content. Because the copy you have will always be important for getting across who you are and what you do.

Clear Contact Information

An obvious point, but one that you may forget about, is to make sure that all of your contact information is clear and concise, and easy to find. If you want your customers to visit your physical location, this is going to be one of the biggest things you can do.

Ecommerce Functionality

If you’re hoping to sell products online, or you want your customers to be able to buy class passes, or tickets to events, you will need to have the right ecommerce features on your site. This can be quite complicated to take on yourself, so if you have the budget available, you may want to bring in some help on this.

A Blog

Finally, you may also want to consider adding a blog to your site. We briefly touched on the area of SEO earlier, but a blog can really help you out with this. If you don’t want to add a lot of copy to pages on your site, a blog can be a great way to boost your SEO. At the time, it provides a point of information, entertainment, and enjoyment for your customers too. You can use it to keep them up to date, sell your products, and draw in new customers too.

Featured Image: https://www.pexels.com/photo/box-business-celebrate-celebration-296878/


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