6 Benefits of a Regular Yoga Practice

Whether you teach yoga or you’ve just started, you’ll have heard of its benefits, and perhaps even felt some of them for yourself. You’ll know that yoga can help you to sleep and unwind. You’ll be aware of how it can help to reduce your stress levels and improve your posture, and you’ll know that it can work wonders for your core strength and lengthen your muscles. But, you may not be aware of its other benefits. The truth is, practicing yoga, even if it’s just a few poses before you get dressed in the morning could have a huge and sometimes surprising effect on your life. Here are some of the benefits you may not know about.

Reduces Depression

Stress, weight gain and a lack of sleep are all factors which contribute towards someone becoming depressed. Then, once you are depressed, you get even less sleep, you worry more, and your confidence plummets.

Practicing yoga helps with all of these things. Any exercise increases the serotonin and adrenaline levels in your body, which can improve your mood and help you to feel more alert. But, when you’re depressed, the idea of exercise can be scary. Yoga is a gentle, and social, way to start. It can also help you to learn to manage your feelings and your anxiety using breathing techniques and meditation.

Improves Work Performance

Regularly practicing yoga can massively improve your self-confidence. If you reach the stage where you are happy to teach a class, you can easily transfer these presentation skills into your work life. Team your new-found confidence and presentation skills with some google presentation themes, and you’ll soon be performing at new levels in the workplace.

Relieves Stomach Problems

If you have any issues with digestion, then you may find yoga can be incredibly useful. Simple postures done regularly can tone up your core muscles, making your stomach stronger, and increase the digestive juices in your tummy. It can also ease the symptoms by helping you to relax and lowering your blood pressure.

Helps with Breathing Issues

Many yoga poses help to improve your posture. This in itself can help with breathing difficulties caused by conditions such as asthma. But, practicing yoga will also help you to develop helpful breathing techniques.

Balances Hormones

Many of us suffer from imbalance of hormones, especially as we start to get older. Whether this is just a short-term issue or something you’ve been living with for a long time, it can be horrible. You can face awful mood swings, unexplained and sudden weight gain, migraines and more. Yoga is a brilliant way to balance things out again. It does this by stimulating different parts of your body and regulating hormone production.

Stimulates Creativity

Yoga clears your mind. As well as teaching your breathing and meditation techniques, it quite simply gives you some time to breathe. To stop working, and to focus on yourself. If you are suffering from writer’s block or in a bit of a creative void, yoga can give you’re a chance to get your creative juices flowing again.

So you’ve been thinking of starting a regular yoga practice, dive in and start now! And if you’ve been looking for a way to convince your friends to come to your classes, now you have some great ways to do so!

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